Forwarding Conversation Messages

Last Updated on October 11, 2016 by David


If you’ve been using Reamaze’s awesome internal notes feature to forward conversation messages to third parties you should be excited to know that we’ve updated the conversation panel with a dedicated forwarding tab to enhance the experience.

As always, forwarding a message to a third party ensures the conversation stays properly threaded and private. You can now reach out to people outside the conversation, have them chime in, and have parallel conversations without having to worry about customers seeing the messages.

When third parties write back, their messages also arrives as an internal note so relevant context is not lost and privacy is properly managed. You can easily continue the conversation with them by using the dedicated “Reply” link.

Go ahead and give forwarding a shot and see how it can add a whole new dimension to the way you help customers! As always, let us know if you have any feedback!