What You Might’ve Missed #24

Last Updated on October 25, 2017 by David

Weekly Update Time!

In this issue of What You Might’ve Missed you’ll find nifty new features such as:

Search for Conversations Within a Channel

You can now drill down into a specific conversational channel and perform contextual searches within that channel. In the search results bar, you’ll first see results within the channel you’re in and additional channels.

Permission Controls for Conversation Replies

We’ve added a new permission setting to restrict an staff member’s ability to reply to conversations. If you have staff members that do not need to reply to customers but merely to review conversations, you can now remove this permissions to reduce the likelihood of accidental replies.

New Workflow Trigger for Channel Origins

We’ve improved the “Message Channel” trigger to include the ability to pick the origin from which the conversation was started. For your email channels, you can pick among “Email”, “Native or Embed” which means it came in from a Shoutbox or Lightbox, and “API”.