What You Might’ve Missed #7

Last Updated on October 11, 2017 by David

Incoming! This is the 7th issue for “What You Might’ve Missed”. It’s quickly becoming one of our favorites as it often highlights updates we’ve been working on in the background based on your continued feedback.

Here are the latest changes to your favorite Reamaze features:

New conversation merge UI

The conversation merge feature came online a few months ago and is currently one of the top used message management features! We’ve gathered some feedback that it can be confusing when two conversations with the same subject line are being merged together. The update now shows the last message date and whether or not the conversation has a reminder in place. Hopefully this will make things much more clear.

Reminders now support specific times in local timezone!

We announced conversation reminders roughly two weeks ago and already seeing a high adoption rate. A recurring recommendation is to add specific time for the reminder to come in on that specific date. We’ve also updated the reminder tool to support your local timezone when making a selection.

KB navigation now supports prev/next

Have a series of articles within a topic? We now support the ability to move on to the next article or previous article natively in your public site.

Exportable appreciations CSV

You can now export your appreciations report as a csv file from your Reamaze dashboard. The csv report will include things like the customer name, the timestamp, and the actual message appreciated.

Enjoy the updates and let us know if you have any further feedback!